Run for the Run

I exist as I am, that is enough. – Walt Whitman

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The final miles before the Delaware Marathon

My faithful running shoes

My faithful running shoes

There are only six days left before the marathon. I’m in taper mode using the Hansons Marathon Method. The last 16 mile run I did was two Saturdays ago and it was supposed to be at an easy, slow pace. I was looking forward to this because I thought it would be a pleasant run and the start of my taper. All my other 16 mile runs had a hard part, such as “run the second half faster than the first” or “run the last three miles at a sub 8:20 pace”. I had run some heavy mileage with lots of hills before this run and my legs were beat. It turned out that the entire 16 mile run “at an easy pace” felt like the final three miles of the marathon. It was painful. Not to mention I had decided to run with my friend who wanted to run on hills.

After that run I was very worried that I wouldn’t recover enough in time for the marathon. There were only two weeks left until the marathon. I ran that 16-miler on a Saturday. Sunday I ran 6 miles. Then on Monday I ran 10 miles with 6 x 1 mile repeats. Sheesh. Would I recover in time? I had a day off Tuesday, then I believe the taper was starting. I only had an easy 6 miles. But my legs were still tired. Thursday I had my final marathon pace run. It was short: 6 miles at marathon pace with 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down, 8 miles total. I was expecting it to be easy, but my legs were still beat. I was starting to worry again. How was I going to taper enough in less than a week and a half to run 26.2 miles at that pace?

The following day I had 6 miles at an easy pace. My legs felt fine. It turned out to be a really nice run. Then Saturday I had a 10 mile run. My legs were light and it was easy to run a faster pace. Pfew! The taper was kicking in. Yesterday I ran a very easy 4 miles with my husband. It was great. Now I’m really feeling the taper.

Today I have an easy 8 miles. Tomorrow I have a rest day. (Tuesdays have been my one day off of running). Wednesday I have an easy 6 miles that will include 2 miles of “pick ups”. That means for two miles I’ll run 2 minutes fast, then 2 minutes easy, and repeat until the 2 miles are over.

The final three days before the marathon will look like this:

Thursday: easy 6 miles

Friday: easy 4 miles

Saturday: easy 20 minute shakeout jog

Sunday: Go time!